There are a lot of ways to raise capital for your business, but not all of them are easy. Here are six easy ways to raise capital for your business:
1. Use your personal savings.
2. Ask family and friends for loans or investment.
3. Use credit cards.
4. Find a partner or investor.
5. Get a small business loan.
6. Use crowdfunding.
Each of these methods has its own pros and cons, so be sure to do your research before deciding which one is right for you. But if you're looking for an easy way to raise capital for your business, one of these six methods should do the trick

1. Use your personal savings.
To us, this is the simplest way to raise capital for your business. All you need is a strong credit score, and you can get loans from various sources. For example, you can use a personal loan from a bank or credit union to get started.
During the start-up process, however — especially first year — you might find it difficult to get approved for a personal loan. Even if you get approved for a personal loan, it might be difficult to pay back the loan quickly. A business start-up loan could be a great alternative for many entrepreneurs, especially those in technology, because it usually comes with lower interest rates and fees
2. Ask family and friends for loans or investment.
Whether you find a source of capital that offers you a generous loan or equity investment, trading favours with your loved ones could be a great way to get started. Even if it doesn't land you a direct loan, your friend or family member might be willing to invest or loan
Majority of entrepreneurs find some form of external capital before they even think about starting their business. This might be a loan, but it could be in the form of an investment or an equity partnership.
3. Use credit cards.
Credit card companies are usually willing to give new businesses a try-out, especially if it's a quick fix for a growling stomach. Large credit card companies like VISA and MASTERCARD don't like to see bankruptcies, so they are generally willing to provide some leniency if you show them that you can pay back
The biggest thing to remember is that you'll have to pay back the credit card company at some point. If you get into a situation where you can't pay back the loan, either because you're in debt or you never received the capital to begin with, you'll have to file for bankruptcy.
4. Find a partner or investor.
Finding the right partner or investor can be difficult, but it's worth it. They will help you grow your business and reach your goals.
One step you can take to find a partner is to create a business plan. This plan will outline your goals for the business and how you plan to reach them. Then, you can ask investors for their help in order to reach your goals by putting up capital or providing specialized skills.
5. Get a small business loan.
Many banks and alternative lenders offer business loans at competitive interest rates. For example, you can get a business loan for £1,000 from a bank if you provide a collateralized mortgage balance, and you can get a business loan for £3,000 from an alternative lender.
These loans are great for both starting businesses and growing businesses (if you need to buy equipment or need to grow your workforce, you can get a business loan to do so). However, be sure to pay back your loan quickly as they will be difficult to get if you are in debt.
6. Use crowdfunding.
While it's not a true form of business funding, crowdfunding is a great way to raise money for your business. With crowdfunding, you don't have to worry about lenders or investors; you just need to reach out to the people who are interested in your project. On crowdfunding, you can raise money from investors who provide loans, as well as from people who are willing to sign up as investors.
You can also use crowdfunding to arrange debt forgiveness. If you are getting negative attention from credit card companies, banks, or debt collectors, you can use crowdfunding to build a community of support that will help you pay them off.
To sum up
You can be successful in business even if you are completely broke. It is just a matter of knowing how to get the most out of each situation. Being aware of the options available to you can make it easier to get deals done. Prepare to be resourceful and stay away from any contracts that might not be beneficial to your business.